We are a Messianic Jewish Congregation in Southern California
What are We about
We are a Messianic Jewish congregation located in the San Fernando Valley, Southern California. We believe that Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus) is the promised Jewish Messiah. We provide a Messianic congregation where those who are Jewish or have families who are Jewish can continue to live out their Jewishness but with faith in Messiah Yeshua. Also, we provide an opportunity for both Jews and non-Jews alike to learn about the Jewish basis of our faith in Yeshua. As well, we provide a gathering for those with a love for our Jewish people and the modern-day state of Israel and who want to see them be blessed by coming to know and follow Messiah Yeshua.

You are welcome
Both Jewish and non-Jewish believers in Messiah Yeshua are welcome at our services! Also, those who are considering the Messianic claims of Yeshua are welcome to come and inquire as well, with no pressure or obligation.

When we Meet
We have a weekly prayer meeting every Friday 8:00pm – 9:30pm by Zoom. We have a Shabbat service onsite on Saturday mornings from 10:30am – 12:15pm. You can also watch our Saturday services and special services online.

Where we Meet
Adat Yeshua Ha Adon meets at West Hills Church 7475 Fallbrook Avenue in West Hills, CA 91307, which is in the western part of the San Fernando Valley, in northern Los Angeles.
Visit us
Directions from the intersection of I-405 and the 101/Ventura Freeway in the middle of the San Fernando Valley in northern Los Angeles. Going from the intersection of I-405 and the 101/Ventura Freeway in the middle of the San Fernando Valley, head west on the 101/Ventura Freeway (toward Ventura) about 8 miles. Take the Shoup Avenue Exit (just after the Topanga Canyon Blvd. exits). At the bottom of the ramp go right on Ventura Blvd and continue west on Ventura Blvd. around ½ mile. Make a right on Fallbrook Avenue heading north around 3 miles. The facility is 2 ½ blocks north of Sherman Way, just before Saticoy, on the left-hand or west side of the street. Enter the parking lot on the north side of the complex, or park on Fallbrook Ave.

What are our
Shabbat Services like
Every Saturday morning, 10:30am – around 10:55am we have a Torah Service (with chanting of a portion of that week’s Parashah reading with a brief Drash (or teaching), and most of our Jewish liturgy. From 10:55am – 12:15pm we have our Shabbat Celebration Service with singing worship and a sermon from God’s Word. Our dress is business casual. Someone doesn’t have to know Hebrew to come to our services, though we hope to help you learn some Hebrew. We also have a liturgy CD to help learn our Hebrew liturgy we do. We plan to restart our Shabbat School (for grade school age children) and a Youth class. Apart from the Pandemic, normally the Shabbat services are followed by an oneg in Holland Hall.

(Jewish Holidays)
Moadim (Appointed Times) – We celebrate all the Jewish holidays throughout the year like High Holy Days, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah, Purim, Passover, Yom Ha’atzma’ut (Israeli Independence Day), Shavuot, but have them centered on Messiah Yeshua. (See the Calendar for upcoming Moadim.)

Messianic Jewish
Life Cycle Events
- We celebrate or observe typical Messianic Jewish Life Cycle Events.
- Babies and Children – Though we do not physically do circumcisions (we recommend you have your pediatrician or mohel handle that), we will conduct a Circumcision ceremony. Also we can have a Child naming ceremony, and a Child Dedication ceremony.
- Bar and Bat Mitzvah – We have Bar and Bat Mitzvah training available and can conduct them in a Shabbat service or in a private service.
- Weddings – We can conduct Messianic weddings of believers of Yeshua.
- Funerals – We can conduct Messianic Funerals.